英語で学ぶサステナビリティ (36)


今月はLesson 9, “Employment of Individuals with Disabilities”「障がい者雇用」を読みます。

「ショウガイ」(障害・障がい・障碍)の表記については、様々な見地から議論がなされていますが、〈「障害」の表記に関する国語分科会の考え方〉(令和3年3月 12 日文化審議会国語分科会)なども参考になるでしょう。

なお、英語での言い方で現在最もよく用いられているのは“disabled people” (英)あるいは”persons with disabilities”(米)です。

People With Disabilities Or Disabled People? What Is Correct? (udservices.org)
1990年代以降、”challenged” という表現も用いられるようになりました。

edition  (刊行物の)版
subject to (法律・ルールなどの)影響下にある、~にさらされる、~に依存する
statutory  法令の
obligated to  責任を負わされている
pad  水増しする 膨らませる
comprehensive 包括的な
vocational  職業の
respectively  それぞれ
law-abiding  法を守る
effectiveness  効用


According to the 2018 edition of the White Paper on Disability, the number of people with disabilities in Japan is about 9,366,000, which is approximately 7.4% of the total population. In Japan, people with disabilities are divided into three categories: people with physical disabilities, people with intellectual disabilities, and people with mental health disabilities. The number of people subject to employment policies (people aged 18-64 at home) is approximately 3.62 million (1.01 million people with physical disabilities, 580,000 people with intellectual disabilities, and 2.03 million people with mental health disabilities)


“people subject to employment policies”は雇用施策の適用を受けている人たち=雇用施策対象者となります。

According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s 2017 “Summary of Employment Status of Persons with Disabilities” published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 495,795 people (up 4.5% from the previous year) were employed by companies with 50 or more employees that are legally obligated to hire people with disabilities. The percentage of companies that did not achieve the statutory employment rate (2.0% in 2017 and 2.2% from April 1, 2018) as set by the Disability Employment Promotion Act was 50%.


legally obligated は「法的に義務づけられている」。statutory employment rate は「法定雇用率」です。legal とstatutoryはどちらも「法律で許可または義務付けられているもの」さしますが、legalが法律に関連するもの全般をさす場合があるのに対して、statutoryはより限定的に用いられます。公式・技術的文書でよく用いられるのはstatutoryです。

Since 2004, the number of people with disabilities entering the workforce has increased steadily, and as of December 2017, the employment rate of people with disabilities in companies reached a record high of 1.97%. The number of people with disabilities employed by public institutions such as the national government and independent administrative agencies was approximately 67,000, but the number was revised to approximately 60,000 as a result of a re-check in 2018 after the discovery of problems with the number of people with disabilities being padded by central government agencies.


entering workforce は「労働市場に加わる」。文脈によっては「社会進出」「就労」などと訳せます。

independent administrative agenciesは「独立行政法人」。

pad はいろいろな意味がありますが、「クッションの詰め物(をする)」から「膨らませる、(請求額などを)水増しする」となります。


The reality is that even if efforts are made to expand the employment of people with disabilities in the world of welfare, there is little sustainability in allowing them to become independent at these low wages. It can be said that the future of employment for people with disabilities depends on companies being able to create places of employment. The late Masao Ogura, the former chairman of Yamato Transport, made this point known to the world and put into practice the possibility of employing people with disabilities in companies. His struggles are described in his book, Management to Change Welfare – Escape from 10,000 Yen Monthly Wages for People with Disabilities.


The late+人名で「故~」となります。put into practiceは「実践する」。

With the vison of realizing a society where people with and without disabilities can work and live together, he established “Swan Bakery” to expand employment opportunities for people with disabilities to become independent. At present, the company has 28 stores across Japan, both companyowned stores and chain stores, where more than 350 people with disabilities are employed. If a company focuses on CSR in the future, it would be great to see it increase its corporate value by actively hiring people with disabilities in the local community.


株式会社スワンは2023年6月16日に25周年を迎えています。故小倉氏が作業所で障がい者が得る給料が1万円を下回る現実を知り、売れる商品を作るためのセミナーを開催して自立と社会参加の支援に取り組むようになったのが1996年。「アンデルセン」「リトルマーメイド」を全国展開している株式会社タ力キべーカリーの協力を得て、スワンべーカリーをオープンしました。株式会社スワン (swanbakery.co.jp)


This author conducted a survey study titled “The Effectiveness of Employing People with Disabilities in Corporations” at the Sakamoto Koji Lab. of the Graduate School of Policy Innovation, Hosei University. When asked about business performance since they began employing people with disabilities, 67.3% (136 companies) responded that their business performance had remained the same, 18.8% (38 companies) responded that it had improved, 13.4% (27 companies) responded that they did not notice a change, and 0.5% (1 company) responded that it had worsened. In the company that responded it had worsened, an able-bodied employee became disabled. Thus, no companies responded it had worsened by hiring new employees with disabilities.


onducted a survey study は「調査研究を実施する」。

A high percentage of companies that reported improved business performance not only hired people with disabilities, but also reviewed their work processes and made capital investments as a result of hiring people with disabilities. In other words, the employment of people with disabilities has led to management innovation and improved business performance. At the same time, the results show that the positive impact on the mental health of employees with disabilities is a major factor in improving business performance.


capital investmentは「設備投資」、business performanceは「業績」ですね。

障がい者の働く場づくりを提供する株式会社プラスリジョン代表取締役の福井祐美子氏は、株式会社スワンに背中を押されて、もとから抱いていた問題解決を実行に移したといいます。以前インタビューにうかがいましたが、「障がいのある人も、その人の特性を活かすことで、なんら障害を感じずに働くことができるんです」とまっすぐに語る表情が印象的でした。会社案内 – 株式会社プラスリジョン (plusligion.com)



相島 淑美(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)

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