英語で学ぶサステナビリティ (33)


今月はLesson 6, “Organic Farming”「オーガニック/有機農業」を読みます。



日本のオーガニック農業・オーガニック食品事情(スマートフォン版)|JFS ジャパン・フォー・サステナビリティ (japanfs.org) 


fertilizer  肥料
compost  たい肥
advocacy 擁護、弁護、推進(運動)
prospectus  趣意書
valid もっともな、有効な
backdrop 背景
prevalence 浸透
prospective  将来の、見込みのある


After World War II, chemical fertilizers became widespread in Japan under the slogan of “industrialization of agriculture,” which increased efficiency. However, with a lack of minerals and unbalanced nutrition, this led to an imbalance in the soil, which led to outbreaks of pests and diseases, failure of continuous cropping, leading to the massive use of pesticides. As a result, the neglect of soil conditioning through composting and other methods has resulted in a loss of biodiversity and a vicious cycle in heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, resulting in many cases of crop failure.


The starting point of organic agriculture is the realization of sustainable agriculture that takes into account the environment, balances the ecosystem through biological diversity, and focuses on soil development. In other words, nutritious agricultural products that are beneficial to human health are only possible with healthy soil. The importance of agriculture that allows producers to focus on soil cultivation instead of relying on chemical fertilizers and pesticides has been reaffirmed. Consumers are also expected to understand and cooperate with the efforts of producers. Against this backdrop, it is said that the establishment of the Japan Organic Farming Association in 1971 marked the beginning of the advocacy of organic farming in Japan. The founder, the late Teru Teruichiro Ichiraku, wrote a prospectus that is still valid today.


Against a backdrop of ~で「~を背(背景)にして」。Validは「(論理的に)妥当である」「(法的に)有効な」「(チケットなどの期限が)有効である」またコンピュータでは、入力した情報が「有効である」ことを意味します。基本的なイメージは得やすいですが、文脈によって微妙に異なりますので注意してください。


In Europe and the United States, the initiative has progressed through general distribution, especially in stores. On the other hand, Japan has developed a system of partnerships between producers and consumers based on a sense of community supported by the same values. In this community, there is not just direct delivery of products from the place of origin or a sale and purchase of products, but rather a relationship where a producer practices organic farming and a consumer takes all the produce without waste, helps with farm work, understands agriculture, and achieves environmental and food safety together by building friendly relationships between people, that is, organic human relationships.



In Europe and the United States, efforts have spread to create a unified standard for certification systems. The creation of a credible, easily recognizable mark for consumers enabled the rapid spread of organic farming products sold in stores. The law on organic farming, which supports these efforts, was also implemented quickly in Europe and the United States. On the other hand, in Japan, the prevalence of group transactions based on trust between producers and consumers resulted in a slow spread of the organic certification mark and system.



For example, the area ratio of organic farmland in the EU is 6.7% (8.2% increase in 2016) and the market size is about 4 trillion yen (12% increase compared to the previous year), while in Japan, the area ratio is only 0.5% and the market size is 130 to 140 billion yen (2010 OMR Project Survey). The European Union passed a law on the promotion of organic farming in 1991, while Japan’s law was passed 15 years later in 2006.


日本のオーガニックはなぜ遅れているのかーアグリビジネス論Vol.9 – 農むすび By 楽天ファーム (rakuten.co.jp)

According to a survey by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 95% of Japanese consumers are aware of the words organic, but only 5% actually understand the content, and most of them do not know about the Organic-JAS mark. The number of prospective new farmers is increasing, and the figures clearly show that about 30% of them are interested in becoming organic farmers. If the farmer is young, he/she can use the internet to communicate with consumers, so-called partnerships can be established, and organic farming can be expected to expand. For companies, preserving the environment, maintaining biodiversity and establishing food safety have become important themes of CSR.


有機農業に詳しいフードビジネスコンサルタント片桐新之介氏らが日本商業学会 第70回 全国研究大会(2020年)で報告したペーパーによると、実のところ、既存の農業生産者の間では有機農業の取り組みに対する熱意が高いとはいえません。





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