

今月はLesson 8, “Clean Energy Sources for the SDGs”「自然エネルギーとRE100」を読みます。

RE100とはRenewable Energy 100%の略で、事業活動によって生じる環境負荷を低減させることを目標とする国際的なイニシアティブのことですが、具体的には企業が自らの事業の使用電力を太陽光や風力などの再生可能エネルギーで調達するとをめざしています。環境省RE100の取り組みについてはこちらをご参考に。

環境省RE100の取組 | 地球環境・国際環境協力 | 環境省 (env.go.jp)

refer to  言及する
synonymous with  ~と同じ意味の
replenish  補給する
come into effect  発効する 成立する
liberalization   自由化
scale back  規模を縮小する、減らす
finite  有限の、限界のある


Natural energy generally refers to energy of natural origin, such as solar, wind, hydro, biomass and geothermal. It is synonymous with “renewable energy.” It is important to understand that the adjective means “used and replenished by nature.” Goal 7 of the SDGs, “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all,” sets a target to significantly increase the share of renewables in the world’s energy mix by 2030.


hydro は水力電気。geothermalはgeo「地」+thermal「熱の」で「地熱の」、ですね。

In Japan, the RPS system was introduced in 2003 that requires electric power companies to adopt a certain amount of renewable energy. However, the introduction of renewable energy has hardly progressed as the requirement was not exact. In the meantime, Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources by Electricity Utilities, which came into effect in July 2012, initiated a feed-in tariff (FIT) system for renewable energy, marking a major turning point for Japan’s renewable energy industry. The liberalization of electricity retailing in April 2016 also encouraged this trend, with many new renewable energy power plants springing up across the country and an increase in the number of new electricity retailers.


RPS制度のRPSとはRenewable Portfolio Standardを意味します。同制度は、非再生可能エネルギーを用いる発電事業者に対して、販売電力量に応じて、新エネルギーの一定割合以上の調達を義務づけるものです(2017年~再生可能エネルギー特別措置法の制定によって段階的に廃止)。


liberalization of electricity retailingは「電力小売自由化」です。

According to data from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, renewables accounted for 16.1% of the electricity generated in Japan in fiscal 2017 (8.1% if hydropower is excluded). Although the share of renewable energy has increased rapidly over the past four years, the figure is still low compared to major countries, and further introduction of renewable energy is required. To paint a clear picture, these are the shares of renewable energy in each country, excluding hydro: 27.7% in Germany, 25.9% in the UK, 25.2% in Spain, 23.6% in Italy, 7.8% in the US, and 7.1% in Canada.


なお、2022年(暦年)の日本国内の全発電電力量(自家消費含む)に占める自然エネルギーの割合は22.7%となっています。2022年の自然エネルギー電力の割合(暦年・速報) | ISEP 環境エネルギー政策研究所

paint a clear pictureは「考えをはっきり表現する」。

Recently, China’s introduction of renewable energy has been remarkable, with capital investment in renewable energy in China (2017) amounting to $126.1 billion, which is about half of the world’s total (according to UNEP). The Japanese government has set a goal of increasing the share of renewable energy (including hydro) to around 22-24% by 2030, but it is still “lagging behind” major countries.




中国の「再生可能エネルギー発電」急拡大の背景 電力消費量の約14%、発電設備容量の約26%に | 「財新」中国Biz&Tech | 東洋経済オンライン (toyokeizai.net)


Unlike fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas, renewables do not emit greenhouse gases such as CO2 during power generation, making them the trump card in the fight against climate change.
Nuclear power also does not produce greenhouse gases during power generation, but with memories of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident still in people’s minds, there have been a number of cases overseas where people have scaled back or withdrawn from the nuclear power plant business due to concerns about safety. Also, uranium, the fuel for nuclear power, is a finite resource, and coupled by the rising cost of constructing nuclear power plants, makes it unfeasible for many countries.

自然エネルギーは。石油や石炭、天然ガスなどの化石燃料と違って発電時にCO₂ などの温室効果ガスを発生しないため、気候変動対策の切り札のひとつです。原子力発電も発電時の温室効果ガス発生はないですが、福島第一原発事故の記憶も新しいなか、その安全性への懸念と、燃料であるウランも資源として有限であること、原子力発電所の建設コスト高騰もあって、海外では原発事業を縮小・撤退した事例が相次いでいます。

trump card「切り札」。ほかにa last resort, a last-ditch measure という表現もあります。

On the side of renewable energy, large-scale solar power generation has caused problems with landscape and environmental damage, and there have been movements against it. As for biomass power generation, concerns have also been raised about the sustainability of imported biomass from Southeast Asia. Regardless of the form of power generation projects, sustainability and agreement with local residents is essential.


The “RE100” framework, in which companies pledge to switch to all renewable energy sources in the future, is also moving forward on a global scale. Overseas, the number of member companies has reached about 150, including Apple, IKEA, Nestle and Adidas. In Japan, Ricoh was the first company in Japan to join in June 2017, followed by 13 companies, including Sekisui House, ASKUL, Daiwa House Industry, Watami, AEON, Jonan Shinkin Bank, Marui Group, Fujitsu, Envipro Holdings, Sony, Fuyo General Lease and Coop Sapporo (as of December 2018)


2023年9月時点で、日本でのRE100加盟企業は82社となっています。具体的な企業名はこちらをご参照ください。RE100・EP100・EV100 | JCLP (japan-clp.jp)
また、タイムリーな話題ですが、RE100に加盟しているセイコーエプソンが全世界の拠点で使用する電力の93%を再生エネルギーに転換し、年内に100%達成の見通しであることが発表されました。(9月11日)  セイコーエプソン、電力の「全世界再エネ100%化」年内達成へ(オルタナ) – Yahoo!ニュース

調達電力の9割以上が再エネの「みんな電力」を運営するUPDATER大石英司社長はインタビューでこのように話しています。――国内には電力需要の最大2倍の再エネポテンシャルがあり(環境省試算)、日本がアジアで最初に「再エネ100%」を達成した国になれる可能性は十分にあります。これは未来の夢物語などではなく「その時」をいかに早く前倒しできるかを問われているのです。「再エネ100%」は夢物語ではない – オルタナ (alterna.co.jp)



相島 淑美(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)

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