
Thirdly, there is a difference in the degree of penetration of CSR into the company in order to increase its effectiveness. In order for employees to understand what they need to accomplish, they must understand what to do, and they must be motivated to perform CSR. The level of penetration must be high, and it is the linkage of various factors within the company that leads to effective practice by employees and CSR. This can also be called an osmosis structure. For example, understanding and motivation is not just classroom learning, but also participatory community service and internal communication and other factors are important, but it's easier to do this in small and medium-sized businesses.


ここで「浸透」にかかわる2つの単語が出てきます。penetration は「貫通、浸透」(move into/ through something or someone)。osmosisは「じわじわ浸透すること」(liquid moves gradually from one part of a body to anotherのイメージ)です。



Fourth, CSR is about understanding the expectations and needs of stakeholders and making sure that initiatives are evaluated by stakeholders and it is important to communicate effectively in a sympathetic way. 



[I]t is difficult for small and medium-sized companies with large financial and human resource constraints. That's where NPOs, pro bono (volunteers with expertise and skills) and other companies come into play. There are some interesting small business initiatives, such as marches and community appreciation events. It is especially important to draw out the synergies of collaboration: working with non-profit organizations and other organizations to create a “Collective Impact” and “Open Innovation” that utilizes the wisdom of the outside world are also examples of this. 



なお、collective Impactとは、立場の異なる複数の組織が連携し壁を越えてコラボレーションして社会課題を解決することです。



相島 淑美(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)

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