
■オルタナ式英単語How has the Role of Corporations in Society Changed?


今月はLesson 2 “How has the Role of Corporations in Society Changed?”「社会における企業の役割はどう変わってきたか」を取り上げます。本チャプターのなかでもコアとなる部分です。「どう変わってきたか」を考えることは、「これからどう変わるのか/どう変わるべきか」を問うことにもつながります。


ordinance  条例
social welfare  社会福祉
public investment 公共投資
financial resources  財源
civic 市民の
complement  補完する
workforce  労働人口
emit 排出する
pollutant 汚染物質
mine 採掘する
improper  不適切な
habitually   習慣的に
flout 無視する
regulation  規則
mitigate  軽減する

Our society consists of various organizations which have various roles. First of all, Japanese government and local governments, which shape the structure of society, are to make laws and ordinances, which are the rules of society. In addition, they are also responsible for social welfare and public investment by using taxes as the main financial sources. There are many civic organizations in society that complement the role of the government.



Ordinanceは「条例、慣習、命令」を意味しますが、契約書などでは laws and ordinances (「法令」)という形で用いられることが一般的です。


So, what is the role of corporations? Needless to say, in today’s society, companies are the main players in economic activities as they generate profits by providing products and services using stocks and loans as the source of funds.  More than 80% of the Japanese workforce are employed by companies. Companies also play a major role in creating jobs and providing wages. Companies and employees pay taxes and donate to NGOs/NPOs. From the standpoint, companies are considered as the supporters of society in terms of economy.



As corporate activities become larger, and more global, other aspects emerge. Companies are not responsible for the pollutants and CO emitted from their own factories, but they also make emission of COincrease through the consumers’ use of cars and electrical products produced by the companies. They also need to use resources, such as rare metals, to make these products. These resources are often mined by cutting through mountains in developing countries. Thus, global environmental issues such as CO emissions and rainforest destruction, which are some of the causes of climate change, are also related to the economic activities of companies once they are traced back to the source



企業は自らの工場で汚染物質やCO を出すだけでなく、生産した車や電気製品を消費者が使うことによりCO排出量を増加させます。このような製品を作るために、希少金属などの資源を使用する必要もあります。こうした資源はしばしば途上国の山を切り拓いて採掘されます。このように、気候変動の原因であるCOの排出や熱帯雨林の破壊などの地球環境問題も、元をたどれば企業の経済活動に関係してくるのです。

trace backは「さかのぼる」。似たような意味でdate back, stretch back があります。


It is true that companies play an important role in creating jobs, but improper employment can lead to human rights violations and labor problems. Dishonest companies that habitually flouts labor regulations have become a hot topic in Japan in recent years. There have been many reports of companies that put corporate profits before workers’ rights.



 human rights violationは「人権侵害」です。

 「ブラック企業」はそのままblack companyといっても一般には通じませんので、内容の説明を補って訳すほうがよいでしょう。floutは「(軽視して)従わない」。

put~before-は、「~を――より優先する」です。prioritize という表現もありますね。


Environmental and human rights issues have become increasingly serious as companies have become larger and more globalized. The international standard ISO26000, Guidance on Social Responsibility, published in 2010, defines social responsibility as “the responsibility of an organization for the impact of its decisions and activities on society and the environment through transparent and ethical behavior.”



 国際規格ISOについてはChapter1 Lesson7で取り上げました。忘れていたらぜひ復習してください。

In 2011, the European Union (EU) redefined CSR as “a company’s responsibility for its impact on society.” It clarifies that companies have a responsibility to identify, avoid, or mitigate possible negative impacts on the environment and society. There is another aspect of social responsibility of business. Companies are not only required to pursue economic benefits, but also to contribute to social issues such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



What is particularly important about this new concept of social responsibility is that it is not limited to the company’s own business operations. According to the redefinition, responsibility extends to a wide range of businessrelated parts of the supply chain, including the mining of natural resources and subcontract factories that the company has no direct control over, as well as the value chain, including the use and disposal of products.



  subcontract factoryで「下請け工場」です。



気候変動と企業活動の関係について触れたくだりがありましたが、気候変動が一般の人々にとって「自分事」として捉えられるにはどのように発信するべきか、という問題は近年研究者が関心を寄せるテーマでもあります。たとえば Leila Scannell1 and Robert Gifford (2011)“Personally Relevant Climate Change: The Role of Place Attachment and Local Versus Global Message Framing in Engagement” は日本人への発信にも応用可能ですのでぜひ検索してみてください。



相島 淑美(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)

日本経済新聞記者、清泉女子大学英文学科教員を経て現職。翻訳家。鈴木淑美名義でJFK伝記など20数冊の訳書がある。 博士(先端マネジメント、関西学院大学)、MBA(関西学院大学)、修士(文学、慶應義塾大学)。文化・文学の視点から日本のマーケティング、SDGs、エシカル消費について研究している。執筆記事一覧


