
■オルタナ式英単語:What is a stakeholder for a company?


今月はLesson 3 “What is a stakeholder for a company?”「企業にとってステークホルダーとは何か」を取り上げます。


specifically  特に、具体的に、具体的に言うと
administrative agency  行政機関
creditor 債権者
shareholder dividend 株主配当金
continuous  継続的な
proxy  代理の
advocate  主張する、擁護する
mutual 相互の
means 手段
consultative 相談の、協議の
passively 受け身で
indispensable 不可欠の

The term “stakeholder” is one of the most important key words in the context of corporate social responsibility. The international standard for organizational social responsibility, ISO 26000, defines a stakeholder as “any person or group of persons who have an interest in any decision or activity of the organization.” In other words, a stakeholder is someone who “influences” or is “affected” by a company, specifically shareholders, customers, consumers, employees, business partners, government and administrative agencies, creditors, competitors, local communities, and NGOs/NPOs.




From the perspective of corporate social responsibility, companies should incorporate environmental and social considerations into their business activities, not just economic ones and listen to all of their stakeholders. This is because companies depend on the natural environment and society, while at the same time impacting them. Therefore, companies are required to minimize their negative impact on the environment and society and maximize their positive impact (creation of environmental and social value), in addition to improving corporate performance and increasing shareholder dividends (creation of economic value).


from the perspective of は「~という観点から」。


In order to actually understand the expectations of stakeholders and make use of them in management, it is important to have two-way communication with them, such as by providing opportunities for continuous exchange of views and dialogue. In this process, it is important to consider that stakeholders include “voiceless stakeholders,” such as future generations and the natural environment. In this case, there is the concept of “proxy stakeholders” who speak for the voiceless, such as NGOs and NPOs that advocate for environmental protection for future generations.


make use of は「~を利用する、活用する」。



Strengthening mutual engagement with stakeholders is called “stakeholder engagement,” and it is an important concept for deepening CSR initiatives. In the “Guide to Implementing the Charter of Corporate Behaviour” (7th edition) by the Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), “stakeholder engagement” is defined as “the process of actively engaging with stakeholders through dialogue and other means to achieve mutually acceptable results in the process of fulfilling a company’s social responsibility.” It states that engagement is “an effective consultative process for companies to exchange views with stakeholders, clarify expectations, address differences, identify points of agreement, create solutions and build trust.”

このようにステークホルダーとの相互の関わりあいを強めることは「ステークホルダー・エンゲージメント」と呼ばれ、CSRへの取り組みを深めていくうえで重要な概念とされています。経団連による「企業行動憲章 実行の手引き(第7版)」においては、「ステークホルダー・エンゲージメント」は「企業が社会的責任を果たしていく過程において、相互に受け入れ可能な成果を達成するために、対話などを通じてステークホルダーと積極的にかかわりあうプロセス」と定義されています。そこでは、エンゲージメントは「企業がステークホルダーと見解を交換し、期待を明確化し、相違点に対処し、合意点を特定し、解決策を創造し、信頼を構築するため有効な協議プロセス」としています。


The type of engagement that companies should aim for is one that brings about a two-way interaction, not one that only comes from one side or the other, so companies must not only listen passively to their stakeholders’ voices, but also actively reach out to them when necessary. As mentioned above, stakeholders are indispensable for companies to fulfil their social responsibility, and the kind of communication and engagement they engage with their stakeholders and for what purpose is an essential element in the strategic promotion of CSR.


As mentioned above, は「前述のように」。




相島 淑美(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)

日本経済新聞記者、清泉女子大学英文学科教員を経て現職。翻訳家。鈴木淑美名義でJFK伝記など20数冊の訳書がある。 博士(先端マネジメント、関西学院大学)、MBA(関西学院大学)、修士(文学、慶應義塾大学)。文化・文学の視点から日本のマーケティング、SDGs、エシカル消費について研究している。執筆記事一覧

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