
オルタナ式英単語:“What makes a company respected by society?

今月はColumn2 “What makes a company respected by society?「社会から尊敬される企業とは何か」を取り上げます。文字通り「社会から尊敬される企業とは〇〇を行う」「〇〇をする/しない会社は尊敬されない」という記述が続きます。この文章を手掛かりにして、これからの時代、「尊敬される企業」について考えてみてはどうでしょうか。

capability  能力、才能
livelihood 生活、生計
single-mindedly ひたすらに
current 現在の
resident 居住者
vulnerable  弱い
conversely 逆に、反対に
strand  立ち往生させる
deteriorating 悪化している
subcontractor 協力会社、下請け業者

A company that is respected by society, regardless of its size, industry, or type of business, is one that “continues to place the highest priority on what is most important” and “does not neglect or ignore what is most important” in managing its business. These are not simply companies that are famous or have excellent performance, or companies with outstanding product development and marketing capabilities. No matter how excellent companies are, a company that sacrifices human life and livelihoods, which should be the most important thing, cannot be respected. This has been proven by looking at the history of the rise and fall of companies up until present day.



Industryはもちろん「産業、工業」ですが、「業種」の意味もあります。Up until present dayのup until は「~まで」です。

Capability は簡単にいえば「能力」です。「能力」といえばabilityやcapacityなどの単語もありますね。最も一般的に使えるのがabilityです。capacityはいわゆる「キャパシティ」、容量を意味しますから、潜在的な能力、能力の限界、といったニュアンスになります。capabilityは専門的な事柄、仕事を行う能力をさします。

The most important thing for a company to do is to take great care of all the people involved in the company and pursue and realize their wellbeing. We believe that a company that clearly states this principle in its management philosophy and honestly and single-mindedly manages its business with a focus on people is a company that will be respected by society.




Of all the people involved in a company, the five most important people are: employees and their families, company employees and their families who do work for us that we cannot do ourselves, current and future customers, local residents, especially those who are socially vulnerable, and investors and supporters. A company that does not sacrifice these five groups of people and allows these groups of people to enjoy being associated with the company, is the only company that will be respected. Conversely, a company that restructures its employees and leaves them stranded on the road because of deteriorating business performance, or that forces them to work excessive hours via reported and unreported overtime, will never be respected.



Those who are socially vulnerableはいわゆる「社会的弱者」ですが、「弱い」を意味するにはweakという単語もありますね。Weakはより一般的な意味で「弱い」という意味をさします。さらにいえば「力や能力がない」というニュアンスの「弱さ」です。他方、vulnerableは身体的感情的に不利を被る(攻撃される、害を与えられる)可能性がある、という意味合いです。


Respected business management is about “doing what’s best for the customer, whenever and wherever they are.” If you only prioritize improving your own business performance, you will not earn respect. Not only that, but they cause suffering rather than happiness to employees who are trying to live their lives with integrity. Moreover, companies that don’t care about hiring and supporting people with disabilities or older people, or contributing to their communities, and companies that don’t make much of an effort to do the right thing, also don’t get respect of society.


A company that is losing money even in normal times will not be respected. When companies that are respected by society become the majority in Japan, I believe that Japan will once again be respected by the world.



このくらい大丈夫だろう、はダメ」「ばれないからと道理に合わないことをしてはいけない」「心を正しく持ち、道理に合っているかどうかをよく考える」 「主人たるものは、みずから誠実さをもつべし」等の訓示が記されています。まさに「尊敬される企業」のひとつの姿であるといえるでしょう。老舗企業の家訓はネットでも検索できますので、ぜひ読んでみてください。



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