
■オルタナ式英単語:“What is an NGO/NPO?“

皆さんこんにちは! 朝晩、秋の気配を感じるころになりましたね。今月はLesson23 “What is an NGO/NPO?“「NGO/NPOとはどんな存在か」を取り上げます。重要単語が多く出てきますので、この機会に覚えていきましょう。

・exacerbate    悪化させる
・depopulation  過疎化
・disparity   格差
・those in need  生活困窮者たち
・one-size-fits-all  画一的な
・decentralization  地方分権
・grant  許可する、与える
・amend  (規則を)改正する
・certification  認定
・full-scale 全面的な、本格的な
・spontaneous  自発的な

As our society becomes more diverse, our living environment is constantly changing. Changes in local communities exacerbate many problems such as depopulation and low fertility rates in rural areas, as well as problems related to child rearing and those in need in urban areas. At the same time, the disparity between rural and urban areas is widening.


Fertilityは受胎能力、出生率。受精率をさします。low fertility ratesは「少子化」です。文脈によっては、fertilityのみで「少子化」を意味することもあります。(たとえばfertility crisis は「少子化危機」)

 Exacerbateは、言い換えれば make worse, worsen です。「悪化する、鈍化する、減少する」など「ネガティブなほうに変わる」ことを示す語(たとえば、weaken, deteriorate, decline, fall, drop)をまとめて覚えておくとよいでしょう。一緒に、逆の意味(ポジティブなほうに変わる)についても整理しておくと語彙力がさらに伸びますよ。

It is impossible to solve those problems only with the one-size-fits-all measures. The government has been actively promoting new policies including decentralization in order to address local issues with measures tailored to each region. However, there are many problems that cannot be solved by administrative measures and corporate services based on conventional efforts alone. Now, new initiatives are needed. Against this backdrop, there are increasing expectations on non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and non-profit organizations (NPOs) to help citizens take the initiative and work towards solutions.


measures は「対策」。この意味では複数形になります。

conventional は「伝統的な、従来の」ですが、「型にはまった、ありきたりの」といった、ネガティブな意味合いで用いられることが多いです。

against this backdrop は「~を背景に(して)」。使いやすい表現ですので覚えておきましょう。

The 1998 Law for the Promotion of Specified Non-Profit Activities (NPO Law) was enacted in 1998 to respond to these social changes by granting NPOs a corporate status in order to enhance their social positioning. As of the end of September 2018, there are more than 51,700 organizations with this corporate status. At the time when the NPO Law was first enacted, the emphasis was on granting corporate status, but later, in order to encourage the maintenance and continuation of organizations, the Certified Non-Profit Corporation System (Certified NPO System) was established in October 2001 (as of the end of September 2018, there were 1083 organizations)


As of は「~日現在で」。契約書でも用いられますね。corporate status は「法人格」です。「法人格を得る」であればこの grant のほか、obtain や acquire などが使えます。

 認定NPO法人制度について概要はこちらをご覧ください。認定制度について | NPOホームページ (npo-homepage.go.jp)

In 2011, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, NPO Law was amended and the requirements for certification were greatly relaxed, and the system has become as good as any other country in the world to support NPO activities. Coupled with the full-scale reform of the public interest corporation system that took effect in 2008, a system that encourages citizens to engage in spontaneous and socially responsible activities has greatly expanded in Japanese society.


relax はいわゆる「リラックス」というイメージが強いかもしれませんが、規制緩和や要件緩和の意味合いでも使えます。

 take effect は「効果が表れる」ですが、法や取り決めなどが主語であれば「発効する、実施される」となります。

NPO Law limits the definition of specific non-profit activities to a limited field of activity. When it was first enforced, it had 12 items, including “activities to promote health, medical care or welfare,” “promotion of social education,” “promotion of community development,” and “sound upbringing of children.” After revised several times, it includes “activities to revitalize economic activities,” “promotion of rural, mountainous, fishing, and mountainous areas,” and “promotion of agriculture, mountainous, and fishing villages and mountainous areas.”. The number of items has now expanded to 20 with the above-mentioned additions.


  above-mentioned は「上記の」。ちなみに「下記の」はbelow-mentioned となります。

While some of these activities are conducted overseas, such as in developing countries, a high percentage of organizations engage in activities that are more closely linked to people’s daily lives, such as addressing issues and inconveniences in everyday life, such as nursing, child care, and education, or addressing issues in local communities, such as depopulation, poverty, and environmental conservation. This indicates the spread of and expectations for “mutual aid” (i.e. citizen help), in which citizens themselves work on issues that cannot be solved by conventional social mechanisms such as public help (i.e. government services) and self-help.




  i.e.は「つまり」that is ですね。(声に出して読むときもi.e.は that isと読むことが多いようです)

Based on the experiences of the twenty years since the enactment of the NPO Law, collaboration with other sectors on issues is progressing and NPOs are involved in a wide range of activities, and their specific initiatives become more diverse. However, in order to promote the creation of a sustainable society, it is not sufficient for NPOs to work to solve social problems. It is also necessary that they work together closely with other sectors such as government and business. As a partner in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals and CSR, and as a collaborator in the implementation of government policies, society’s expectations of NPOs are increasing.



実際に、NPO側から企業に対する情報発信や働きかけの事例は増えています。デロイトトーマツコンサルティング合同会社Social Impact Officeマネージャー 金辰泰氏との鼎談で、NPO 法人ACE事務局長/共同創業者 白木朋子氏は、森永製菓との連携事例について話すなかでこう述べています。


同じ鼎談で、公益財団法人WWFジャパン自然保護室プラスチック政策マネージャー シーフード・マーケット・マネージャー 三沢行弘氏は「WWFでは、環境保全において企業を非常に重視しています。企業は生産活動をし、消費者との窓口も担っているからです。生産から消費まで一連の動きを変えることができるため、企業と一緒に取り組む効果が特に大きいです」と述べています。

企業ともっと腹を割って話したいーーNPO/NGOが提案する企業との連携 | サステナブル・ブランド ジャパン | Sustainable Brands Japan



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