今月はLesson 6“Consumer Behavior Required Today“「いま求められる消費行動とは」を取り上げます。
consumer spending 個人消費
conscious 意識的な
proactive 先を見越した、先回りした、積極的な、前向きな
means 資力、財力、富
unscrupulous 不正をおこなう、たちの悪い
specific 具体的な
The late Wangari Maathai, a Nobel Peace Prize winning environmentalist, stated, “we need to invest in what is sustainable, not in weapons. We must rethink our normal consumption and living patterns. We should invest in ‘peace’.” If we make no effort to change our lifestyles now, conflict will emerge from the struggle for resources. We are required to foster the environment and manage resources in a responsible and sustainable way in order to prevent conflicts and wars, and to keep the world at peace. One of the keys to realize a sustainable society where there are no conflicts as well as where the issues of environmental conservation and effective utilization of resources are considered is how individuals consume in daily lives. the work of businesses and governments, as well as the consumption behavior of individuals.
The late 〇〇は「故〇〇」です。
As consumer spending accounts for about 60% of Japan’s GDP (gross domestic product), consumers give significant impacts on society and the economy. The late former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan also stated that the consumption behavior of each individual has the power to change the world.
主語+account for~ で「~から成る、~(割合)を占める、構成する」です。
Our lives are shaped by our consumption behavior, which determines our lifestyles and influences many different people and societies, including producers and sellers in Japan and abroad. There is an increasing demand for conscious consumption behavior and proactive decision-making.
conscious consumption behaviorのconscious は「意識的な」ですが、昨今では「環境問題について意識的な」というニュアンスで用いられることも多いようです。経営者のベクトルを数字最優先の従来の資本主義から「社会あっての企業」というありかたに大きく変えることになったJohn Makey& Dr. Rajendra Sisodia による Conscious Capitalism (翻訳『世界でいちばん大切にしたい会社』)をご参照ください。
In general, individual consumers have no advantage over businesses in terms of means and information-gathering ability. The consumer movement began to spread in the 1950s, when consumer problems became a major social issue, and consumer protection laws were developed.
In 1962, John F. Kennedy proposed the “Four Rights of the Consumer,” which became the basis for consumer protection policies in US. Later, in 1975, Ford added the “Right to Consumer Education.” In 1982, the International Consumer Organization (CI) proposed the “Eight Rights of the Consumer.” At the same time, CI outlined the five responsibilities of the consumer, indicating that consumers have not only rights but also responsibilities.
ケネディが提唱した「消費者の4つの権利」とは安全への権利(the right to safety)、情報を与えられる権利(the right to be informed)、選択をする権利(the right to choose)、意見を聴かれる権利(the right to be heard)をさします。
CIによる「消費者の5つの責任」とは、批判的意識をもつ責任(critical awareness)、社会的弱者への配慮責任(social responsibility)、主張し行動する責任(action)、環境への配慮責任(environmental awareness)、連帯する責任(solidarity)をさします。
have no advantage over ~に劣る。
means は「財産」。Man of means で「資産家」となります。ちなみに、あまり資産のない人の場合は man of modest means で表わせます。
In Japan, the Consumer Protection Basic Law was enacted in 1968 to provide relief for consumers. Later, it was amended in 2004 to become the Consumer Basic Law, that states that the basic principle of the law is to respect the rights of consumers and support their independence. Consumers are encouraged to be independent and take responsibility for their own consumption behavior, rather than just being protected and vulnerable.
Japanese society is still in the process of fostering awareness of consumer rights and responsibilities. This is why the Consumer Education Promotion Act was enacted in 2012, which defines the promotion of consumer education as a governmental obligation and sets forth the principle of realizing a consumer civil society. In the past, consumer education tended to remain in the personal realm of protecting consumers from unscrupulous business practices. Today we need different consumer education for making consumers be highly independent, work voluntarily with society, and develop a social view of consumption.
consumer civil society (消費者市民社会)について、消費者教育推進法では、「消費者が、個々の消費者の特性及び消費生活の多様性を相互に尊重しつつ、自らの消費生活に関する行動が現在及び将来の世代にわたって内外の社会経済情勢及び地球環境に影響を及ぼし得るものであることを自覚して、公正かつ持続可能な社会の形成に積極的に参画する社会」と定義しています
Specific consumption behaviors required include supporting providers of safer and higher quality products, communicating complaints and opinions to the government and businesses, and having an ethical perspective and mindset for the next generation and others, such as environmental considerations and support for vulnerable people. Local governments are also promoting ethical consumption, and in 2018, Tokushima Prefecture established an ethical consumption ordinance.
ここで紹介されていますが、徳島県では青少年対象のエシカル消費教育がさかんにおこなわれており、「エシカル甲子園」開催地にもなっています。2020年7月には徳島県に消費者庁「新未来創造戦略本部」が開設されました。とくしま消費者行政プラットホーム|徳島県の消費者行政 (tokushima.lg.jp)
徳島県の調査によれば、エシカル消費の認知度について、「言葉及び意味を知っている」と答えたのは15.3%、「言葉のみ知っている、聞いたことがある」は38.6%、合計は53.9%でした。なお昨年度に実施した同様の調査では合計50.8%であり、昨年度から3.1%増加しました。「令和3年度 徳島県における『倫理的消費(エシカル消費)』に関する消費者意識調査」の結果について|徳島県ホームページ (tokushima.lg.jp)
「日本にエシカル消費は根付くか――家庭科教育の視点から」(2020)、“Differences of Penetration of Ethical Consumption Between US and Japan from a Viewpoint of the Idea of Home Economics” (2020).