英語で学ぶサステナビリティ (38)


今月はLesson 11, “Social Entrepreneur”「社会起業家」を読みます。後半には日本における商人道徳や経営哲学について触れています。日本の文化に根差した思想をどのように英語に訳すか、いろいろなバリエーションが可能ですので、皆さんもぜひ読みながら考えてみてください。



analect 語録
admonish 戒める


Social entrepreneurs emerged in the second half of the 20th century when the limitations of global economic growth became visible and global social issues such as global warming and poverty worsened markedly. These entrepreneurs set out to solve social problems through business which were too difficult for both the public sector (e.g., governments and municipalities) and the private sector to tackle.


「深刻化する」はいろいろな表現ができます。そのままbecome more seriousでもよいですし、deepeningも使いやすいでしょう。「深刻化する問題」であればincreasing problemあるいは escalating concern という表現もあります。一見見えにくいが内部で深刻化している、というニュアンスであればinsidous(形容詞)も使えます。

set outは「 ~に乗り出す、~し始める、~しようと目指す、~しようと試みる」です。

Perhaps one of the most famous social entrepreneurs in the world is Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. He founded the Grameen Bank, which provides unsecured loans to the poor, called “microcredit,” in rural areas and elsewhere. Also well-known is Roseanne Haggerty, who founded the non-profit organization Common Ground in Manhattan, New York, to develop and operate housing for the homeless and low-income families. Global organizations supporting social entrepreneurs include the Ashoka Foundation, founded by Bill Drayton in 1980, which has supported nearly 3,000 social entrepreneurs in more than 70 countries to date.



unsecured loanは「無担保ローン」です。



With the establishment of the Social Entrepreneur Forum by Hiroshi Tasaka in 2003 and the publication of Social Entrepreneurs Change the World: Change Makers written by Nana Watanabe in 2005, interest in social entrepreneurs began to spread in Japan. Some famous social entrepreneurs appeared, such as NPO Florence Komazaki Hiroki and Motherhouse Yamaguchi Eriko.

日本では、2003年に田坂広志氏が社会起業家フォーラムを立ち上げ、2005年に渡邊奈々氏著『社会起業家が世の中を変える チェンジメーカー』が出版されると、社会起業家への関心が高まりはじめました。NPO法人フローレンス駒崎弘樹代表理事やマザーハウス山口絵理子代表取締役など著名な社会起業家も登場しました。


Tracing back the history of social entrepreneurs in this way, you may think it is a concept imported from Europe and the United States. The fact is that the concept and approach of social entrepreneurs has existed in Japan for a long time. Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Matsushita Electric Industrial (now Panasonic), contributed greatly to Japan’s economic development with his so-called “waterworks philosophy.” It states that the mission of industrialists is to provide inexhaustible supplies of goods at a price that is equal to the price of water, just like the water in the tap.


2. パナソニックグループの使命と今なすべきこと – パナソニックグループの経営基本方針 – パナソニック ホールディングス (holdings.panasonic)

The Omi merchants who did business all over Japan after the Kamakura period (1185–1333) had their own business ethics very similar to the ideology of social entrepreneurs. In Japan it is well known as “sampo-yoshi” (benefit to the seller, buyer, and society). It emphasized that companies should not do business only for the seller’s convenience, but also contribute to the development of the local community and enhancement of the welfare for people through business.


三方よしはthree way satisfaction や triple-win for the buyer, the seller, and societyなどと説明できます。win-win-winでも通じますが、いずれにしても背景となる考え方について触れる必要があるでしょう。

Japanese managers originally shared business philosophies involving social entrepreneurial thinking: Eiichi Shibusawa, the father of Japanese capitalism, published the Analects and Abacus; the Sumitomo family has been well known for the family motto of admonishing easy gains.


一般に『論語』を英訳する場合はanalectsを用いますが、analects は本来「(有名人の)語録」です。the Analects and Abacusは『論語と算盤』です。

住友電工のウェブサイトによれば、「浮利を追わず」の「浮利」とは、「目先の利益や安易な利益追求」のことで、「道義にもとる不当な利益」の意味も込められています。経営理念|企業情報|住友電工 (sumitomoelectric.com) この理解を踏まえて訳すとpursuit of [theirs own ] immediate profit(benefit) without moral sense でしょうか。


Considering that our pursuit of material wealth and our excessive focus on global competition have led to environmental destruction in recent years, we have to pay attention to the impact of our economic activities not only on our own interests, but also on society and the planet. In other words, the traditional management philosophy passed down in Japan is heavily needed in today’s global society.



社会起業大学のサイトには社会起業家の条件や事例などが紹介されています。社会起業家とは —定義、事例、条件について | 【公式】社会起業家を育成するソーシャルビジネススクール 社会起業大学 (socialvalue.jp)



相島 淑美(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)

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