
CSR and SDGs Policies of Local Governments?■


今月はChapter 1, Lesson 10 ‟CSR and SDGs Policies of Local Governments?”「自治体のCSR・SDGs政策」を読みます。あとのほうで関連するサイト(自治体の事例)を紹介していますので、実際の取り組みについてぜひ確認してみてください。長期的に自治体のCSR、SDGsの取り組みが定着化し、住民のウェルビーイングにつながるには何が必要なのか、考えながら読んでいきましょう。

policy issues 政策課題
depopulation 過疎化
deterioration 悪化、低下
outflow 流出
procurement 調達
backdrop 背景
certification  認証
revitalize 活性化する
chambers of commerce  商工会議所
incorporate  組み込む、取り入れる、包含する
reconfiguration  再構成
municipal 自治体の
existing 既存の


Today’s local governments in Japan are facing a variety of policy issues, including depopulation, aging population, increasing poverty, difficulty of creation of jobs, deterioration of the natural and residential environment, and declining competitiveness of businesses in the region. On the other hand, many companies have to deal with difficulty of recruitment due to the outflow of population, take up measures against accusation of being dishonest companies that do not pay workers overtime so as to hire good people, promote the environmental management for stabling their business environment, and improve their ability to respond to CSR procurement to strengthen its competitiveness.



take up measures against ~に対する対策をとる。

日本語の「ブラック企業」はそのまま英語にしても一般には通じませんので、工夫が必要です。たとえばexploitative(労働力を搾取する)、 evil(邪悪な)、あるいはdishonest (表ではいいことを言いながら実態が伴わない)という形容詞をつけて“〇〇 company” と表現してから、その内容を説明すればよいでしょう。その際には、どの点がブラックなのかを明確にする必要がありますね。

環境経営はsustainable management とも。


Against the social backdrop, some local governments have been promoting CSR projects as a policy. Local governments are in a position to understand the realities of their communities and make broad-ranging approaches to companies in their region. Recently they have introduced CSR certification as a “CSR policy” to promote CSR activities through companies in the region and enable a balance between social and economic well-being, as well as to solve the social problem and revitalize local communities.




Local governments examine the social and economic well-being of companies in the region based by a standard, in other words, the status of their CSR practices, and certify companies that meet the standard to promote CSR activities. Chambers of Commerce and other economic and industry organizations are also engaged in this kind of initiative with the goal of regional development and industry revitalization.



これまでも何度か登場していますが、initiativeは日本語で「新たな取り組み」といいたいときよく用いられます。ほかにeffort(s), action(s)も覚えておくとよいでしょう。action(s)は具体的な行動のニュアンスですね。

CSR certification has an impact on companies that meet the standard, therefore there is a limit on the scope of policy targets. From the perspective of social sustainability, the idea of CSR is required regardless of industry or size. Then, in addition to implementing CSR certification, local governments will need to enhance the variation of their CSR policies to promote and spread CSR to companies at various levels.



from the perspective of ~という視点から  regardless of ~にかかわらず  


Apart from the movement to incorporate CSR in policy, some local governments have also introduced “SDG policies,” by which they aim to achieve the goals provided by SDGs together with local businesses and residents. It requires a reconfiguration of municipal management within the SDGs framework for local sustainability. To this end, the government has selected ambitious local governments as “SDG Future Cities” and “Municipal SDGs Model Projects” in 2018.



この文脈では「地方創生SDGs」として取り上げられることが多いですが、SDGs未来都市、自治体SDGsモデル事業の事例については02_bessatsu1.pdf (chisou.go.jp)  をご参照ください。同資料によりますと、2021年度には「SDGs未来都市」31都市、「⾃治体SDGsモデル事業」10事業が選定されており、これまで4カ年で「SDGs未来都市」124都市、「⾃治体SDGsモデル事業」400事業を選定されています。内閣官房、内閣府による地方創生SDGsのサイト地方創生SDGs・「環境未来都市」構想 – 地方創生推進事務局 (chisou.go.jp) には、「地方創生SDGs官民連携プラットフォーム」「地方創生SDGs金融」についても説明されています。

Existing CSR policies, such as CSR certification, encourage companies in the region to make use of CSR activities to solve both policy and management issues. In this point CSR policies are highly relevant to SDG policies. However, the overlap between these two could lead to increase of policy costs. SDG policies and CSR policies need to be pursued in tandem.



 in tandemは「協力して、連携して」。 relevant to は「関連性がある」。




相島 淑美(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)

日本経済新聞記者、清泉女子大学英文学科教員を経て現職。翻訳家。鈴木淑美名義でJFK伝記など20数冊の訳書がある。 博士(先端マネジメント、関西学院大学)、MBA(関西学院大学)、修士(文学、慶應義塾大学)。文化・文学の視点から日本のマーケティング、SDGs、エシカル消費について研究している。執筆記事一覧

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