
■オルタナ式英単語:Working Together with Society and the Community

皆さんこんにちは! 猛暑が続きますがお変わりありませんでしょうか。

いよいよChapter 3に入ります。Chapter1では日本と世界におけるCSRの現況を概観し、Chapter2では企業中心にCSRを考えてきました。Chapter3は「人」に焦点を置き、これからの働き方、消費行動等について多様な視点から取り上げます。今回はLesson 1 “Working Together with Society and the Community” 「〈社会とつながる働き方〉とは何か」を読みましょう。



viable  実行可能な。(戦略などが)通用する

imperative  必要不可欠の、必須の

intrapreneur  社会起業家

catalyst  触媒

stimulation   刺激

In those days, lifetime employment was guaranteed by showing loyalty to a company or organization in Japan. Now we see a drastic shift towards a new working system. The Bill on the Development of Related Laws to Promote Worker Reform, or the so-called Worker Reform Bill, passed in June 2018, is another symbolic move in Japan.


Loyalty「忠誠」は、近年 employee loyaltyという文脈で用いられることも増えました。従業員が組織に満足し「この組織でがんばって成果を上げよう」と強く思うことでパフォーマンスを上げるというemployee engagementの要素のひとつです。



A survey conducted by a private research organization in 2017, found that 23% of companies allowed their employees to work side jobs, and the number continues to grow. It is because increasing number of companies have an urgent need to diversify their businesses and develop new business, since their existing business models are no longer viable. In order to meet the necessity, it is imperative for them to have employees who can sense the current needs and launch new business with the company’s resources. Employees who respond to the expectation of the organization are also capable to work with a connection with society.


経営学には、dynamic capability ダイナミック・ケイパビリティという概念があります。ビジネスを取り巻く環境変化をいち早く察知し、環境に合わせて企業のリソースを再構築・再編成する経営能力のことです。そのひとつの要素がsensing(環境変化を)いちはやく感知する能力です。

「副業」はa side job、a side jobなどいろいろな言い方があります。「副業で収入を得る」ならばmake money on the side ともいえます。

Employees who just work under the direction of their superiors in a traditional business model do not need to have social connections, personalities, or diversity. However, the traditional ways of working are no longer effective in an era of major paradigm shift of Japan’s society, along with a shrinking workforce and difficulty in securing human resources, as well as the rapid evolution of new technologies, including AI, that are replacing human work.


paradigm shift パラダイム・シフトとは、それまで長きにわたり当然のこととして受け入れられてきた価値観や考え方が劇的に変化することを指します。なお paradigmは「規範、範例」を意味します。

Companies expect that their employees will build a new network with a completely different field and bring new ideas into the organization through their side business. Then, companies will increase the number of “intrapreneurs” who can create new businesses with different stakeholders. Such an intrapreneur is not only the center of innovation in an organization that needs to change, but also the catalyst that revitalizes the organization.


Intrapreneur は「社内起業家」。組織にとどまりながら起業するスタイルは実は企業にとってもメリットが高いとして、導入する企業も増えています。


「活性化させる」はenergize (エネルギーを与える)、activate(活発にする)等の単語も使えます。ここでは、従来のビジネスモデルで停滞しつつある組織を再活性化する、という意味をとり、revitalizeを用いています。

The employees will benefit from the new working style themselves. They can make their own life choices and explore a variety of possibilities without being dependent on the organization. In the era when many people live to be 100 years old, you have to think about what you should do in another 30 years, after you retire at the age of 70. By gaining experience of earning an income through the use of your skills while you are still working for a company, you can learn to live independently of the organization.


benefit fromは「~から利益を得る」です。


In the future, it will be taken for granted that a person has multiple jobs. Instead of belonging to a single organization, a person may work for several companies. The evolution of IT has made it possible for people to share a lot of information even when they are not physically in the same place. People live in a different area, have several jobs, and at the same time, are connected with one another via information. It means that we have more aspects of diversity of connecting with society.


take it for granted that~は「~を当たり前に思う」です。


In this way people work, individual skills are shared with society, which leads to a great deal of mutual awareness and stimulation, and to the creation of various networks. It will have a significant impact on the relationships with communities, known as the “population-relationship.” In Japan, this new way of working will create new types of businesses, business areas, and services that have never existed before, as a result of the success of companies and people engaging in this new working practice.


population-relationship 関係人口とは、総務省のサイトによると、「移住した『定住人口』でもなく、観光に来た『交流人口」』でもない、地域と多様に関わる人々を指す」と説明されています。

『関係人口』ポータルサイト (soumu.go.jp) 地域内にルーツがある、何らかのかかわりを持っている、行き来がある、といった多様な人たちが地域への思いを共有しつつ、地域づくりに参画することが求められているのです。

人生100年時代といえば、リンダ・グラットンの『ライフ・シフト』が話題になりました。原書は L. Gratton,『 THE 100-YEAR LIFE:Living and Working in an Age of longevity.』 夏休みの一冊にいかがでしょうか。



相島 淑美(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)

日本経済新聞記者、清泉女子大学英文学科教員を経て現職。翻訳家。鈴木淑美名義でJFK伝記など20数冊の訳書がある。 博士(先端マネジメント、関西学院大学)、MBA(関西学院大学)、修士(文学、慶應義塾大学)。文化・文学の視点から日本のマーケティング、SDGs、エシカル消費について研究している。執筆記事一覧

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