英語で学ぶサステナビリティ (29)


今月はLesson 2 “Biodiversity” 「生物多様性」を読みます。専門的な語彙が多く、馴染みが薄く感じるかもしれませんが、この機会に覚えておきましょう。

species  種
genetic 発生の、遺伝の
conservation 保護、保存
endanger  危険にさらす
habitat  生息地、生息環境、居住地
overfishing  魚の乱獲
inscribe  刻みこむ
gene   遺伝子
pollution  汚染、公害
nutritional  栄養の
calculate  計算する、判断する、予測する
magnitude  大きさ、重要さ
underpin  支持する、下から支える
extract  引き出す、抽出する
certified  認証された
deforestation 森林破壊


It has been more than 10 years since the concept of biodiversity was recognized as an important issue for corporate CSR activities and environmental management in Japan. However, some managers say that they don’t know what to do about biodiversity, or that it has nothing to do with their company. Others in Japan and abroad realize that biodiversity is important for corporate management and began to take advantage of it and improve their business activities.

some~~, other === は「~もあれば、==もある」。
take advantage of は「~をうまく利用する、活用する」。悪い意味で(「悪用する、便乗する」等)使うこともあるので注意してください。

In this section, we are going to explain why companies need to take action on biodiversity and what kind of action they need to take. Biodiversity is a concept that summarizes the diversity of species on Earth, their genetic diversity within a single species, and ecosystems consisting of both living and non-living things.  In recent years, the increase in the number of endangered species and other threats to biodiversity all over the world have made biodiversity conservation an international issue. It is critical to note that it is not simply a matter of contributing to the conservation of endangered species through donations or other means.

take action は「行動を起こす、取り掛かる」。
Take action on で「~について行動を起こす」となります。
endangered species 「絶滅危惧種」。


The main causes of the present situation of biodiversity are as follows: 1) habitat destruction;  2) overfishing;  3) climate change and the relating environmental damage;  4) pollution from chemical substances and other factors;  5) the introduction of non-native species. All of these are related to human activities, and the impact of corporate activities in particular is far greater than any other cause. Thus, companies must reduce their impact on biodiversity, not only within their own companies but also throughout their supply and value chains.

そもそもなぜ生物多様性が失われつつあるのでしょうか。主な原因は 1)生息地が破壊される 2)乱獲される 3)気候変動が進行して被害を受ける 4)化学物質などによる汚染が拡大する 5)外来種が導入され増加する などです。これらはいずれも人間活動にかかわるものであり、とくに企業活動による影響はほかの原因より圧倒的に大きくなっています。ですから企業は、自社はもちろんサプライチェーンやバリューチェーン全体で、生物多様性に与える影響を削減しなければなりません。
habitat は「生息地」ですが、似た単語としてinhabit は「(人や動物がある場所に)居住する」、habitant は「生息する人」「居住者」となります。
non-native speciesは「外来種」native speciesは「在来種」です。

There are still many people in Japan who doubt about the idea. They often say, “Maybe it’s ethically right, but why should companies take this issue so seriously?”  They wonder if it is enough that companies just donate to nature conservation activities and engage in tree planting activities with employee participation, as they have done in the past. This is a big mistake because corporate activities are highly dependent on biodiversity.


Genetic resources, which are the information inscribed in our genes, also help to develop useful products such as medicines, cosmetics and nutritional foods. The diversity of organisms and ecosystems in each region creates local culture, history and religion, and is also important as a place for recreational activities such as travel and leisure. As long as business activities depend on biodiversity, businesses cannot continue into the future without it. Recently, the economic value of these functional “ecosystem services” has been specifically calculated, and the magnitude of these functions has shocked the world’s business leaders. In response, some companies are beginning to manage business risks by improving processes that have a high impact on the ecosystem.

Genetic resources 「遺伝資源」は、国立遺伝学研究所のサイトによれば以下のように説明されています。

遺伝資源の利用とは何か? – 国立遺伝学研究所ABS学術対策チーム (idenshigen.jp)


Based on this understanding, leading companies believe that biodiversity is the most important “natural capital” and underpins all corporate activities and as such, their business is more sustainable if they conserve it in a way that minimizes negative impact and increases natural capital. These companies are beginning to rethink not only the way they operate, but also the way they extract and produce raw materials in their supply chains, and are taking on the challenge of reducing their impact on biodiversity to as close to zero as possible. This means that using certified raw materials and avoiding any involvement in deforestation, including in the supply chain, is becoming the new normal.

natural capital 「自然資本」は「森林、土壌、水、大気、生物資源など、自然によって形成される資本(ストック)」を意味します。自然資本と経営についてはこちらのサイトがまとまっています。

環境省_平成26年版 図で見る環境・循環型社会・生物多様性白書 状況第1部第3章第4節 グリーン経済を支える自然資本 (env.go.jp)


企業と自然資本 ―生物多様性をめぐる動き―|日本総研 (jri.co.jp)




相島 淑美(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)

日本経済新聞記者、清泉女子大学英文学科教員を経て現職。翻訳家。鈴木淑美名義でJFK伝記など20数冊の訳書がある。 博士(先端マネジメント、関西学院大学)、MBA(関西学院大学)、修士(文学、慶應義塾大学)。文化・文学の視点から日本のマーケティング、SDGs、エシカル消費について研究している。執筆記事一覧

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