
■オルタナ式英単語What kind of entity is a corporation to society?


いよいよ今月からChapter2「社会の中での企業の役割」に入ります。Lesson 1 “What kind of entity is a corporation to society?”「企業は社会においてどんな存在か」を取り上げます。企業倫理にかかわる問いですが、企業倫理Business Ethicは国の内外をとわずビジネススクール(大学院)においても非常に重視される科目のひとつです。ステークホルダーが多様になり、事業活動が多くの目にさらされる今日、企業の存続のためにも「企業は社会においてどんな存在か」を問い続けることは不可欠であるといえるでしょう。

beneficial   有益な
entity   実体、実在
represent  代表する
business ethics 企業倫理、商業倫理
cultivate 育てる、培う
mutual 相互の
pollution 公害
buying-up and holding-off 買占めと売り惜しみ
emerge  浮上する
backdrop 背景
charter 憲章、主意書
legal compliance 法令順守
disparity  格差
welfare 幸福、安寧

Konosuke Matsushita said, “a company is a public institution of society.” This means that a company is to provide beneficial value to society, and in return, it earns profits and trust, thus being allowed to exist in society.


a public institution of society 「社会の公器」。

a company is to~「主語」is to+不定詞で「することになっている」。「予定・運命」「義務・命令」「可能」「意図」 と習った人もいるでしょう。

 in return  お礼として、返礼として   

Companies are social entities that have a significant impact on society and the various organizations and people that make up society. At the same time, there are organizations and individuals who have an influence or stake in the company (“stakeholders”). A company’s stakeholders include not only its shareholders, but also its employees, customers, business partners, and local communities. Stakeholders do not necessarily represent society, and their interests sometimes conflict with those of society.


entity は辞書的には「実在・実体・本質」です。ちょっとわかりにくいですね。英語での定義としては、something that exists as a single and complete unitなどと説明されていますが、ポイントはcompleteという単語。つまり、誰かが所有するもの、あるいは何かに従属するものというニュアンスでなく、それ自体として自立的に成り立つもの、と考えればよいでしょう。

The basic role given to a company as a public institution of society is to continue to provide good products and services to our customers, make profits, and contribute to society while balancing the interests of our stakeholders.



The term “corporate social responsibility” is a brief expression of the relationship between a company and society. The idea of social responsibility is not a new concept for Japanese companies. As seen in the Omi merchant’s family motto, “triple win for the seller, buyer, and society,” Japanese business ethics have long been based on the consideration for society.


「三方よし」は訳すのが少々難しいですね。一般には three-way satisfaction とすることが多いようですが、triple win という表現を使うと、すっきりわかりやすいと思います。そのあとで内容の説明を足していきましょう。

Since its establishment in 1946, the Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives), an association of business leaders, has been aware that corporations are public institutions of society, and has developed an idea of the “social responsibility of managers” and the “establishment of mutual trust between society and corporations.” Thus, Japan has long cultivated a culture that focused on the social responsibility of managers.


経済同友会は英語表記の場合そのまま the Keizai Doyukaiですが、Japan Association of Corporate Executivesと説明するほうがよいと思います。one of the most established economic organizations in Japan など付け加えれば、よりイメージが湧きやすいかもしれませんね。

In the 1950s and 1970s, the theory of social responsibility emerged in the wake of the pollution issue. In the 1970s, corporate social responsibility was also addressed, mainly due to consumer issues such as corporate buying-up and holding-off caused by the oil crisis, and since then social responsibility has been questioned every time corporate scandals occur.


in the wake of は「~の結果として」ここでは、wakeは「後ろの位置、後流、出来事の結果、余波」の意味です。addressは動詞で「(問題に)取り組む」という意味になります。questionもここでは動詞で用いられています。


Against this backdrop, the Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) established the Charter of Corporate Behavior in 1991, encouraging its member companies to maintain high ethical standards, recognize their social responsibility beyond legal compliance, and contribute to solving various social issues.


経団連の英語表記はJapan Business Federation です。代表的企業representative companiesや 主要な業種別全国団体nationwide industrial associationsなどから成る経済団体economic organizationというように説明するとよいのではないでしょうか。

against this backdropは「~を背景にして」。

In the 1990s, with the increasing globalization of corporations, their “negative” aspects became apparent, including global warming (climate change), human rights issues such as child and forced labor in developing countries, economic disparities, and fair-trade issues. Due to globalization, a variety of negative impacts have been spread on a global scale through supply chains especially in developing countries.


global warming 地球温暖化、human rights issue 人権問題、child and forced labor児童労働と強制労働、economic disparities 経済格差、 fair-trade issues 公正取引の問題。いずれもSDGs、CSR、CSVを語る際に基本的な重要語句ですが、オルタナ愛読者の皆さんにはおなじみでしょう。

At the same time, citizen-driven activities such as NGOs and NPOs that aim to solve global problems and community welfare, education, and environmental issues have become increasingly active around the world.


citizen-driven activities の-drivenは「~を起点にした」。もともとの「~に駆り立てられる」という意味からきています。カスタマー・ドリブン、データ・ドリブンなどビジネスではカタカナ表記で用いられることが多いようですが、「-駆動の」と訳すこともあります。

Companies need to recognize these organizations as new stakeholders. These trends have broadened the scope of corporate responsibility for society, and the concept of “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) has been gaining ground worldwide since the late 1990s.


broaden a scope of ~「~の範囲を広げる」。gaining ground「確実な立場を築く、勢いを得る。優勢になる」「意見や主張が広く受け入れられる」。




相島 淑美(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)

日本経済新聞記者、清泉女子大学英文学科教員を経て現職。翻訳家。鈴木淑美名義でJFK伝記など20数冊の訳書がある。 博士(先端マネジメント、関西学院大学)、MBA(関西学院大学)、修士(文学、慶應義塾大学)。文化・文学の視点から日本のマーケティング、SDGs、エシカル消費について研究している。執筆記事一覧


