英語で学ぶサステナビリティ (32)


今月はLesson 5, “Fair Trade”「フェアトレード」を読みます。店頭でフェアトレード認証マークのついた商品を見かけることも増えました。認知度は上がってきているといえ、消費者の間での認知や購買行動のレベルでは、欧米と比べると後れをとっていることは否めません。一方で、昨今では、中高のみならず小学校でもフェアトレードを授業で学ぶ、また普及活動に取り組むといった動きがみられます。

vulnerable 弱い
eliminate 解消する
disparity  格差
plague 苦しめる (名詞では「疫病」)
equitable  公平な
fluctuate 変動する
influx   流入
speculative  投機の


Based on the awareness that the current global trade system is sometimes unfair to the economically and socially vulnerable people of developing countries and increases their poverty, fair-trade began as a movement to eliminate the economic disparity between the North and South. Originally, the fair-trade movement started in the field of handicrafts. From the 1970s to the 1980s, coffee beans, an agricultural product, were also treated as a fair-trade product. Later, the fair-trade movement expanded to include primary products such as cacao, sugar, and bananas. It was due to the decline in prices of agricultural products that plagued producers in developing countries.


Vulnerable は「弱い」ですが、経済的に不安定な、社会的に脆弱である、攻撃を受けやすい、等の意味です。


“Trade, not aid” is a slogan proposed by developing countries at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 1968. The idea is that poverty and economic disparity between developing countries and developed countries are caused by trade imbalances and cannot be solved by aid.


In 2001, the world’s leading fair-trade network organizations jointly defined fair trade as following: “Fair Trade is a trade partnership that seeks to conduct international trade under more equitable conditions, based on dialogue, transparency and respect.” By providing better terms of trade and protecting the rights of vulnerable producers and workers, particularly in the global South, fair-trade contributes to sustainable development.



フェアトレードの定義は様々ですが、最もよく用いられるのは上記に挙げられている定義で、強い影響力を持つ欧州の 4 団体(FLO International、IFAT、NEWS!、EFTA)が合意しました。日本でもこの定義が一般的です。


Coffee, for example, is the second largest primary commodity in the world after oil, but more than 90% of its production area is in developing countries. The purchase price of coffee beans is set in the international markets of New York and London, far away from the production site. Prices fluctuate wildly from day to day, driven not only by supply and demand, but also by the influx of speculative money. Lacking information on market trends and the means to sell to the market, many individual small-scale farmers are forced to rely on middle-people to sell their produce, sometimes at prices that do not even cover their production costs.


purchase priceは「買い上げ価格」、Speculative moneyは「投機資金」、market trendsは「市場動向」です。cover cost of ~で「~の費用を賄う」となります。

In the situation, hey are unable to send their children to school. They also could not produce quality products as well as protect the environment, creating instability and unsustainable business practices not only for the producers, but also for the entire supply chain. The above-mentioned problems are not only true for coffee, but also ring true for many other agricultural products such as cocoa, sugar, bananas, and cotton. Recently, the effects of climate change have also been severe, with damage to produce resulting in lower incomes and accelerating poverty.


above-mentionedは、名詞を伴って「上記の~」となります。ring trueは「真実のようにみえる」。


The International Fairtrade Labelling Organization (founded in 1997 and headquartered in Germany) has established a Fairtrade minimum price to properly cover production costs and support sustainable production by producers. The rule is that no matter how low the international market price may be, importers must guarantee to the producers’ associations that they will always be able to get the fair-trade minimum price or better.



With Fairtrade, producers are able to lift themselves out of poverty, protect and nurture the rights of women and children, and achieve a better future. From a business perspective on the consumer side, the market size of fair-trade certified products is growing every year, as it is considered effective for supply chain sustainability.


lift ~out of は「~を・・から取り除く」。この場合はlift themselves out of ですから「自分が・・から脱出する」となります。market size「市場規模」です。




相島 淑美(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)

日本経済新聞記者、清泉女子大学英文学科教員を経て現職。翻訳家。鈴木淑美名義でJFK伝記など20数冊の訳書がある。 博士(先端マネジメント、関西学院大学)、MBA(関西学院大学)、修士(文学、慶應義塾大学)。文化・文学の視点から日本のマーケティング、SDGs、エシカル消費について研究している。執筆記事一覧

キーワード: #ビジネスと人権

